Campfire colors! My sister and I met some lovely people at the campfire on Saturday night. I had a couple of sacks of magic powder to throw into the campfire to change the color of the flames. It wasn’t all that spectacular, but I just went to refill my pouches and decided to share what were your throwing in… Because I didn’t know at the time! Food grade Alum was supposed to turn the colors green. Food grade Potassium chloride was supposed to turn the flames purple. And sugar was the best one… Making the magical sparks! (Making us all feel loke those folks from “Are you afraid of the dark?”.) Nice to share some magic and community around the campfire… The memories of that is getting me through… Well, whatever all of this (gestures frantically) is.

Anahata's Purpose Attendees
Hi Everyone! I just sent out the following email to attendees of my “Magic of Neurodivergence” and Participatory Sound Bath (“Morning Musical Channeling”) workshops over the weekend, and I want to share with anyone else who may benefit/want to learn more! I hope the photo sharing actually works… 🤔
Deep breath.
I am so full and so deep in process from the long weekend we just experienced.
🚨 Workshop Announcement!
Anahata’s Purpose 2024
FRIDAY 9/6 4PM-530PM Bethany 3
wAdnan Love @lovetheyogaguy
Features: body percussion, music, meditation & closing with a heart-warming Chai/Tea Ceremony

do you have your ticket yet?
0%ill be grabbing mine soon!😬
0%sure do!🤓
0%i got mine on launch day!😎
0%not yet, working that out 🫠